25 Nov 2013

Justin Bartha Cutout

 This is the original photograph of Justin Bartha I found and then decided to use for the Cutout.
This is the same photograph of Justin Bartha after I had removed the background and added the Cutout effect.

22 Nov 2013

'Wag!' Magazine - CRAP


Left page - Contrast between large and small images on the page and on the camera screen.
Triangle - Contrast between sizes of text, large, medium and very small. Makes titles stand out against body text.
2 Point line - Contrast of colours, black text on a white background. Makes the body text clear and easy to read.


Left page - Repetition of the colours yellow and black throughout the magazine. Because yellow and black are the main colours of the Dogs Trust charity.
Triangle - Repetition of the typeface throughout the magazine, it is varied by the use of italics and bold.


Camera - As shown, there is a vertical line showing the alignment between the bottom left corner of the camera and the girls right eye.
Text - There is a left alignment on all the text on the double-page spread. This makes it look more professional.


Spread Title - The spread title and sub-heading, are both in a close proximity as they are the main parts of the spread, that are used to draw people in to read the article.
Body Text - The body text is all within a close proximity of itself, to show that the information is all linked.

14 Nov 2013

John's Awful Buisness Card

This shows the business card that I re-made to make it look more professional. This is what it looks like on InDesign. I have used a right alignment and two different type faces to show contrast between the different pieces of information on the card. The name of the business, the name of the person and the address.
I have also used a contrast in the colours of the text on the address and the name. The name, John Panelreader is in black and the address is in a grey colour. This shows that the name of the person is more important than the address of the business.

8 Nov 2013

Second Magazine Copy (Work in Progress)

This shows my version of the 'Fashion' magazine before I added the background photograph I took myself. While adding the text to the cover, I used the purple background you can see in the screen shot above. Doing this allowed me to see where the different text would be laid out over the cover photograph.

The screenshot above shows how I divided up the the different pieces of text onto the different layers. For example, I have put the main title and headline on the same layer, and the other pieces of text on separate layers for the different colours they were in. (All the white text is on a different layer to the pink and black). When I add the background photograph, that will be on a separate layer under all the text, it will replace the current purple background.

*finished magazine cover goes here*

5 Nov 2013

Second Magazine Cover - 'FASHION' September 2011

This is the second magazine cover that I have decided to re-create on Adobe InDesign. I have chosen it as it is completely different type of magazine to the NME one. Clicking HERE opens a new window to the webpage that I got the image from.

My Finished NME

This shows the different layers that I used to separate out the different parts of the cover. For example, the main title (NME) and the main headline (Bombay Bicycle Club) are on one layer together (Main Text) and the red and yellow boxes are separated out onto two different layers, with the text. (Boxes and B0xx3s)