Here is a photograph of the Cover Lines and Expanders page in my sketchbook. It shows the 5 different cover lines and expanders that I made up for use on my front covers I will be creating during the mock exam.
''Frozen' top of UK charts... - Disney's new film is ruling the UK Box Office Charts'
This cover line and expander is about the new animated winter film from Disney, Frozen. It uses a Pun for a cover line (Frozen could mean cold or the film name). The information that Frozen is top of the UK Box Office Charts is correct as 6th December 2013.
'The Doctor's how old? - Celebrating 50 years of the traveling Time Lord'
This cover line and expander is about the recent TV special for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary on the BBC. It uses an Interrogative (questioning) cover line and alliteration or the letter 't' in the expander (the traveling time)
'More Mini Movies - We take a look into the works of YouTubers, HatFilms'
This cover line and expander is about the popular, British YouTube channel, HatFilms and their current series on the channel, also including the new partnership with The Yogscast. It uses alliteration of the letter 'm' in the cover line (More Mini Movies). This cover line would be used as a 'YouTube Spotlight' on the covers.
'T.Vis dying out! - We see how younger generations are choosing the internet over T.V'
This cover line and expander is about how more teenagers and younger children would rather go onto video sharing websites like YouTube, instead of watching series on T.V. This cover line is an imperative, this means that it it stating a fact and that it is important. This cover line would be used as a main story.
'Largest Internet Army - YouTubes biggest star with over 20 million members of the Bro Army'
First a quick note, after I wrote the expander, I decided it was too long and the facts were wrong. PewDiePie is now at over 20 million subscribers on YouTube (Woah). NOW ON WITH THE DESCRIPTION! This cover line and expander is about the worlds most subscribed to channel on YouTube, PewDiePie. This cover line is superlative because it is stating a fact, and boasting about it.